What Are Wicker Baskets Made Of?

Wicker baskets have been used for thousands of years as versatile and attractive storage solutions. But what exactly are these timeless woven baskets made out of? The materials and techniques used to create wicker baskets have evolved over time, influenced by different cultures and locales.

This article will explore the fascinating history and various materials that go into crafting these practical yet beautiful baskets. We’ll look at traditional natural fibers like rattan, willow, bamboo, and more, as well as modern synthetic options.

Understanding the raw materials and methods used to produce wicker baskets provides insight into why they remain ubiquitous across the globe. Whether using traditional techniques passed down through generations or innovating with new materials, wicker weaving allows artisans great flexibility in form and function.

A Brief History of Wicker Basket Materials

The origins of wicker basketry stretch back over 7,000 years to ancient civilizations like Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeologists have found well-preserved wicker baskets buried in pharaohs’ tombs and ancient sites, providing clues about the first materials used.

Ancient wicker baskets were typically woven from local wetland grasses, reeds, and palms. For example, papyrus was commonly used in ancient Egypt. Wetland plants tend to be long, flexible, and durable, ideal properties for basket weaving.

As knowledge of basket weaving spread along trade routes, new materials were incorporated by various cultures. Strong yet pliable rattan palm became popular in Asia while flexible willow branches were favored by European weavers.

Over generations, specific regions became renowned for their distinct wicker styles, materials, and weaving techniques. For instance, chenghe County in China specialized in fine rattan wickerwork while willow wicker defined English cottage style.

By the 19th century, wicker gained mainstream popularity in Europe and America as exotic materials like Indonesian rattan were imported. Wicker’s natural beauty and versatility made it popular for everything from laundry hampers to porch rocking chairs.

Today, natural fibers continue to be valued but are also combined with modern synthetics like plastic and resin wickers. Whichever material is chosen, the ancient art of wicker weaving allows for endless creativity and functionality.

Traditional Natural Wicker Materials

Wicker baskets have historically relied on natural plant materials that lend themselves to weaving. Many of these traditional wicker fibers are still valued today for their beauty, durability, and sustainability.


Rattan palm is the most iconic and popular wicker material, used worldwide but especially in Asia. Over 600 rattan species exist, but only a dozen or so are suitable for weaving.

Rattan’s solid yet flexible stems can be woven into everything from sturdy baskets to elaborately curved furniture. Its smooth surface needs little sanding or finishing to achieve a beautiful glossy golden color.

For maximum strength, the outer skin is used, with the inner pith removed. Rattan’s lack of fibrous rings prevents splitting while steaming and bending. It also resists mold, warping, and splintering, lending great durability.

Growers harvest rattan stems when mature, but before leaf sprouts emerge. After drying and processing, rattan can be cut to various sizes for different wicker products. Its sustainability, aesthetics, and versatility explain rattan’s continued popularity after centuries.


Willow branches are another age-old wicker staple, used since ancient times throughout Europe, Africa, and Western and Central Asia.

Like rattan, willow’s flexible yet sturdy nature allows it to be woven into diverse shapes and sizes. Willow grows across temperate zones and wetlands,propagateing easily from cuttings. Young shoots with green bark are preferred for weaving.

Willow branches can be used whole or split lengthwise into thin, pliable strips depending on the desired effect. The beauty of its golden brown polished bark needs little enhancement.

Soaking the branches before weaving allows the willow to bend easily without breaking, increasing flexibility. This also shrinks and tightens the wicker when drying for extra durability.

Willow’s quick growth, graceful looks, and sturdiness continue to make it a favored wicker plant worldwide. It’s particularly associated with English cottage style wicker baskets.


Despite resembling wood, bamboo belongs to a grass family and can be harvested annually like other grasses. This makes bamboo a highly sustainable wicker material.

Bamboo’s impressively strong, hollow stems provide an alternate look to solid rattan and willow with its segmented appearance. After drying and pressing, strips of bamboo are shredded lengthwise for weaving.

The hardest, thickest-walled species are preferred for increased durability. Bamboo’s supreme hardness requires soaking before weaving to increase pliability. This prevents cracking compared to more malleable rattan and willow.

Once woven, bamboo wicker has a pleasantly smooth, glossy look in its natural golden hue without needing stain. Variations in bamboo strips provide visual interest in the woven texture. Its strength and segmented form make it popular for everything from baskets to furniture.


Found worldwide, dozens of marsh and grass species qualify as reeds. Though less strong than bamboo, rattan, and willow, reed is highly valued as a weaving material in many cultures.

Reed’s often beautiful striped or variegated look provides visual interest when woven, ranging from green to brown hues. Species like bulrush provide stouter, tougher stalks than more delicate grasses.

Because reed tends to be thin, it’s often woven in coils, bundles, or flat panels rather than individually. Wetlands allow mass harvesting of reed so quantities can compensate for reed’s lesser strength.

Proper drying and curing improve durability so reed wicker lasts many years. Its attractive striped texture, range of widths and strengths, and abundance make it a popular wicker choice worldwide.


Seagrasses grow abundantly in shallow coastal areas across the globe. Like reeds, seagrass blades offer texture and color variations that enhance woven products.

Its smooth, rounded surfaces provide visual depth and a tactile quality. Grass-like yet sturdy, seagrass doesn’t require framing like more delicate grasses and reeds, speeding production.

Seagrass weaving often incorporates bundles for added strength and bold texture. Thatching techniques include intricate braiding, knotting, and coiling of bundles.

Naturally golden, seagrass can also be dyed vibrant hues like green, black, and red for decorative impact. Seagrass wicker exudes textures and colors of the sea for interior designs and accent pieces.

Modern Synthetic Wicker Materials

In recent decades, synthetic fibers have been incorporated into wicker weaving, often mixed with natural materials. Plastics like vinyl, nylon, and polypropylene mimic plant textures with increased weather-resistance.

Resin Wicker

To create resin wicker, natural or synthetic fibers are wrapped around a molded plastic frame, then sealed in clear resin. This protects the inner wicker materials from moisture and weathering.

Resin wicker was designed to withstand outdoor environments like patio furniture, but works equally well indoors. It prevents issues like rot, cracking, and mold damage experienced by untreated natural wicker.

Resin sealing also prevents sagging or becoming misshapen. This allows resin wicker to be woven into diverse, intricate forms like hanging chairs. Matching the resin’s tone and sheen to the inner wicker helps yield attractive baskets and furnishings.

Synthetic Rattan

As imported natural rattan became scarce and costly, synthetic alternatives emerged to mimic its handsome look and feel. Most synthetic rattan is made from woven plastics like polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and polypropylene.

Synthetic rattan is highly customizable, available in various widths and colors. Because it won’t warp or crack, synthetic rattan remains stable in outdoor use. It is also untroubled by moisture and insects.

However, synthetic rattan cannot quite match the texture and natural glossy sheen of real rattan. Weaving and finishing processes aim to emulate genuine rattan’s look, such as using heat to flatten and set the wicker’s shape.

Paper Rope

For centuries, paper was hand-twisted into strong rope lengths for use in Japan. Modern paper rope wicker replicates this by machine-twisting recycled paper around wire frames.

Paper rope retains the strength and flexibility required for weaving while taking on a novel nubby, fiberous texture. It lacks natural materials’ vulnerability, resisting sagging and damage in any environment.

Vibrant dyes can easily be applied to paper rope before or after weaving for polychromatic, decorator looks. Paper rope wicker marries recycled material, bold hues, and innovative textures.

Wicker Weaving Techniques

Beyond materials, the techniques used to weave wicker play a huge role in the final product’s appearance, durability, and function. Skilled weavers can create astonishingly varied baskets from the same base fibers.

Some classic hand-weaving techniques include:

  • Over-Under Weaving: The most basic interlacing of horizontal and vertical fibers alternating over and under the adjoining wicker pieces.
  • Twining: Weaving two or more flexible wicker pieces simultaneously for complex patterns along the same row.
  • Coiling: Spiraling and stitching bundles of wicker into a continuous coil shape.
  • Plaiting: Braiding wicker pieces into ornate bands then interweaving them.
  • Knotting: Tying wicker fibers into decorative knots before weaving for interest and texture.

Machinery has been designed to mimic many classic hand-weaving techniques for mass production. But nuances of traditional methods and customization make hand-weaving still highly desirable for specialty baskets.

Key Takeaway: Both the materials used and weaving process significantly impact wicker baskets’ final form, functionality, and aesthetics.

Choosing Sustainable Wicker Materials

With growing awareness of environmental impacts, sustainably sourced natural wicker has made a comeback after decades of synthetics’ popularity. Conscientious designers and consumers value traditional materials’ eco-friendly life cycles.

However, synthetics and resins still have their place, particularly for outdoor wicker pieces requiring maximum weather-resistance. Blending natural fibers with just enough synthetic support provides an ideal compromise.

Here are some guidelines for choosing sustainable wicker:

  • Source from regenerative harvesting programs to prevent over-farming of rattan, willow, bamboo, etc. This ensures future materials.
  • Support fair labor practices and community empowerment for wicker farmers and producers.
  • Choose natural dyes over chemical finishes. Ensure all materials are non-toxic.
  • Maximize use of renewable wicker like rattan, bamboo, grasses versus limited resources like tree branches. However, utilize tree trimmings whenever possible.
  • Design timeless, durable pieces that won’t end up in landfills. Ensure baskets are repairable, not disposable.
  • Use local materials as much as possible to reduce wicker’s carbon footprint from transport.

With some forethought and care in sourcing, wicker baskets and furnishings can represent sustainability, not excess. The future of wicker weaving lies in this ethos.

The Past and Future of Wicker Materials

For millennia, wicker’s beauty, versatility, and practicality have captivated cultures worldwide. The earliest wicker baskets hold insights about humanity’s ingenuity that still rings true.

By selecting sustainable materials and ethical production methods, modern wickerworkers carry on this age-old craft. Blending time-tested techniques with responsible innovation allows wicker to evolve on a global scale.

As fashions change, wicker remains a mainstay of human homes and design imaginations. Passed between generations, the future of wicker weaving is as rich and bright as its woven strands.

Key Takeaway: Responsible sourcing and production allows wicker basketry to sustainably carry forward ancient weaving traditions using both natural and synthetic materials.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wicker Materials

What is the most eco-friendly wicker material?

Natural fibers like rattan, bamboo, willow, and grasses are the most eco-friendly choice when responsibly farmed. Rapidly renewable plants are preferable to slower-growing woods. Ensure reputable sourcing.

What is the strongest wicker material?

Bamboo is considered the structurally strongest wicker, followed by rattan, then willow. Split rattan core can be as strong as bamboo. Handle woven samples to compare strengths.

Is natural or synthetic wicker better?

Each has pros and cons. Natural wicker looks and feels superior. But modern resin and synthetic wickers avoid issues with outdoor/wet use. Blending the two provides an optimal hybrid.

How long does wicker last?

With proper care, wicker can last decades, even lifetimes. Indoor natural wicker lasts indefinitely. Outdoors, resin coatings help natural wicker survive longer, but may need replacement every 5-10 years in harsh climates.

How do you waterproof wicker?

Paint-on sealants or penetrating sprays specifically for wicker work best. Resin wicker is already inherently waterproof thanks to its sealed coating.


From ancient Egyptian marsh grasses to modern polymer ropes, wicker’s raw materials have evolved yet retain a timeless appeal. Thanks to wicker weavers’ creativity, both natural and synthetic fibers take on limitless graceful forms.

Responsible sourcing ensures wicker continues sustainably serving human needs for beauty and function in homes worldwide. By respecting traditions while innovating, wicker weaving plans to endure serving many generations to come.

Sophie Delatorre
Sophie Delatorre

I'm Sophie Delatorre, an experienced and trusted product review expert known for my in-depth and unbiased analyses. With over 10 years under my belt reviewing all types of consumer products, from tech gadgets to home appliances, I provide comprehensive feedback to help consumers make informed purchase decisions.

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When I'm not busy buying and reviewing the latest products, I stay on top of consumer trends and innovations. My passion lies in helping everyday shoppers cut through marketing claims to find the best value products that will save time, money, and hassle.